HANNOVER MESSE 2017 Date : 24th – 28th April,2017 19-20HALL   Booth Number : E59-16 At the exhibition, orientflex will display a variety of industrial pipes/hoses, such as: suction and drainage water hose, suction and drainage fuel /oil hose, chemical hose, food grade hose , air hose, SAE 100R1 /1SN  SAE 100R2/2SN ,4SH ,4SP ,R13,R14,R15 , hydraulic hose ,concrete pump hose , hose protector, Spiral guard wrap…

air hose

Air hose

An air hose is a device used to deliver air to a product such as an air tool or air compressor. The uses of an air hose run the gambit from recreational uses to life-saving devices and cover many points in between. Most air hoses are made to be durable, because their ability to remain…

Orientflex monthly sales champion

On Feb 25th of 2017, our company Sally became Monthly sales champion, she worked at Orientflex more than 10 years, she and Orientflex grow together. The general manager John on behalf of our company gave her the trophy. Congratulations to Sally. Meanwhile, congratulations to Orientflex has very talented staff.
